Owning A Puppy Can Be Very Rewarding  

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Many people find that buying or adopting a puppy as a pet is very rewarding. They are cuddly, cute and always give affection. They serve a great purpose as a companion and quickly become part of the family.

How to choose the right puppy for you

Deciding to get a puppy is a long term commitment. You have to be absolutely ready for it. You need to have enough space and time to care for a puppy and the adult sized version when it grows up. Keeping a puppy can be a lot of hard work and takes tremendous effort.

Many people choose a puppy on impulse. Very little thought goes into it which can be extremely disadvantageous to you and your puppy. Getting a puppy is not an impulse buy, like shopping for shoes. Here are a few things that you need to take consideration before buying a puppy.

As much as cuteness is a factor, the nature of the breed you choose also is important. All dogs have different characteristics and when choosing a dog, you have to look at whether the type of dog is suitable for the type of care you are able to give. Of course, all dogs are unique, even within breeds and types, but there are certain things that are a given. For example, a farm bred border collie may not be well suited to an urban home with no garden and owners who are out all day, but a greyhound, who loves to sleep all day and requires surprisingly little exercise, may be a better choice.

Here at Hills Pet we encourage potential puppy owners to find out the attributes of a particular puppy beforehand by doing a little bit of research. You can do so by consulting the internet for information or one of numerous books on the subject. By knowing the puppy’s genetic tendencies, you will be better prepared to provide what it requires and have a happy, healthy and well adjusted dog.

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