Develop your gut instinct for pets’ digestive disorders

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Laiks lasīšanai

Atrodi barību, kas atbilst tava mājdzīvnieka vajadzībām

Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs

Digestive disorders can affect any part of the digestive system, from the stomach, small intestine and through to the large intestine. As well as the commonly known signs such as and vomiting, digestive disease in the pet can be accompanied by a loss of appetite, stomach rumblings or cramps, straining, inactivity, depression and weight loss.

Remember that your pet may need to be seen by a vet, not just to deal with short-term stomach problems, but also those conditions that can rumble on over a longer time period and be just as serious. Feeding a specially formulated Hill’sTM Prescription DietTM pet food could be the answer if your pet has a digestive problem and your vet can recommend one to provide the best match to your pet’s condition.

Visit our new, dedicated digestive health page for dogs and cats.

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