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Atrodi barību, kas atbilst tava mājdzīvnieka vajadzībām

Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs

To make a protein, amino acids are linked together in a long chain. The chain is then bundled into to a three-dimensional structure, like a tangled ball of yarn. Although there are hundreds of different amino acids, only 21 are used in animal proteins.


Proteins are the essential building blocks of all tissues and organs of the body including:

  • cartilage, tendons and ligaments (collagen and elastin)
  • the element of muscles that contract (actin and myosin)
  • skin, hair and nails (keratin)
  • blood proteins (haemoglobin, transferrin, albumin and globulins)
  • enzymes
  • hormones
  • antibodies

Proteins are often described as the 'backbone' of cells because they have a structural role in all cell walls. Proteins are required for all tissue growth, replenishment and repair.

If there is more protein available than necessary for building blocks, proteins may also be used as a source of dietary energy.

Saistītie raksti

  • Vitamins

    Dogs running Vitamins can be divided into two main groups depending on whether they are soluble in fat or water. In addition, there is a group of vitamin-like substances that are similar to vitamins without fitting exactly into the categories.
  • Why antioxidants are important

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  • Minerals

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Saistītie produkti

  • Hill's SCIENCE PLAN Adult suņu barība ar liellopu

    Hill's™ <span class='nowrap'>Science Plan™</span> Canine Adult Delicious Beef tiek veidots, lai atbalstītu muskuļu un dzīvībai svarīgo orgānu veselību. Ar klīniski pierādītiem antioksidantiem, liesu proteīniem un omega-3.
  • Hill's SCIENCE PLAN Adult suņu barība ar vistu

    Hill's™ <span class='nowrap'>Science Plan™</span> Canine Adult Savoury Chicken tiek veidots, lai atbalstītu muskuļu un dzīvībai svarīgo orgānu veselību. Ar klīniski pierādītiem antioksidantiem, liesu proteīniem un omega-3.
  • HILL'S SCIENCE PLAN Adult kaķu barība ar tunci

    Hill's™ <span class='nowrap'>Science Plan™</span> Feline Adult <span class='nowrap'>Optimal Care™</span> with Tuna is formulated to support optimal fitness, with clinically proven antioxidants, lean proteins and enhanced Omega 3s. <BR><BR><B>
  • HILL'S SCIENCE PLAN Kitten kaķēnu barība ar vistas gaļu

    Hill's™ <span class='nowrap'>Science Plan™</span> Kitten Healthy Development™ with Tuna ir veidots, lai atbalstītu imunitāti un gremošanas trakta veselību, ar klīniski pārbaudītiem antioksidantiem un optimālo DHS līmeni no zivju eļļas.