Does dry nose mean sick dog?

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Concerned owners frequently ask if a dry nose means a sick dog, and the short answer is no. There are any many reasons for your dog to have a dry warm nose that have nothing to do with his health.

For example, a dry nose can simply result from a dog lying in the sun, near a source of heat, or in a room with poor air circulation. In fact, your dog's nose may vary from wet and dry several times over the course of a day.

Take care

Looking at a dog's nose is a good way to check for some other problems. Dogs with pale or pink noses are susceptible to sun burn. If your dog has a dry, red nose or the nasal skin is flaking it may be that it is sunburnt.

Talk to your vet about what sort of suntan lotion to use on your dog. Protecting dogs that are susceptible to sunburn is important because repeated sunburn can lead to skin cancer. If your dog's nose is cracked and there are scabs or sores your dog may have a skin disorder and it would be wise to take him to the vet to get checked out.

When examining your dog's nose another thing to look for is a dog's nasal discharge. If your dog's nose runs, the mucus should be clear. If your dog is producing bubbly, thick, yellow, green or even black mucus you should certainly have him checked by a vet.

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